BiznesAlbania participates in the closing Conference of the European Campaign for Safety and Health at Work 2020-2022 under the slogan "Healthy Jobs, Ease of Workload" organized by the State Inspectorate of Labor and Social Services.
This conference was attended by all social partners where they expressed their contribution and the
BiznesAlbania participated in the knowledge exchange session between the resident coordinators of the United Nations, ILO and representatives of the social partners of the Western Balkans regarding the situation of Covid 19 in the region. Mr. Koli Sinjari, Business Director of Albania, described the macroeconomic effects of Covid 19 in
BiznesAlbania mori pjesë në Seminarin 2 ditorë të organizjar nga ILO "Monitorimi dhe Vlerësimi për hartimin e programit të punës së denjë për Shqipërinë 2022-2026". BiznesAlbania cilësoi prioritetet për të patur një komponent të veçantë për ngritjen e kapaciteteve për partnerët socialë. Mbështetja duhet të fokusohet në analizën e mjedisit
Today was organized the round table by invitation from the State Inspectorate of Labor and Social Services in the framework of the project "Employment and Social Affairs Platform 2 ESAP-II". The Director of BusinessAlbania Mr. Koli Sinjari presented the role of the Employers' Organization in the implementation of the employment
Biznes Albania participates in the regional consultative meeting organized by the ILO Project "Access to justice for labor disputes through mediation and conciliation". Consultative meetings will serve as forums for the exchange of information, collective reflection on the issue of resolving labor disputes and ensuring equal access to justice for
BiznesAlbania and the National Chamber of Crafts participated in the seminar "Predicting digital skills in the milk value chain - discussion with stakeholders". The President of BiznesAlbania and the National Chamber of Crafts Mr. Luan Bregasi gave his welcoming speech. Part of the activity was senior personalities Mrs. Milva Economy Minister
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Adresa: Bulevardi Bajram Curri, Godina 2 kate brenda ambjenteve te Drejtorise Rajonale te Arsimit dhe Formimit Profesional DRAFP Nr.4, Tirana / Albania