
Call for the selection of 15 others for the "Training Course for the Development of Local Food and Wine Specialties in Albania"

The training course aims to promote the social inclusion of young people, women and returned migrants, through empowerment and increased job opportunities in the service and hospitality sectors, encouraging:
₋ Employment of young people, women and returned immigrants.
- The development of soft skills that companies need from course participants, as well as an opportunity for personal, cultural, social and professional growth. The deadline for applications is April 26

For more information click the link: 


Tel/fax: +35542204272
Tel/Fax: +35542226280
Mob: +355682082666

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Adresa: Bulevardi Bajram Curri, Godina 2 kate brenda ambjenteve te Drejtorise Rajonale te Arsimit dhe Formimit Profesional DRAFP Nr.4, Tirana / Albania